A Team of Experienced Therapists
We offer skilled, personalized interventions in the comfort of your home . ON-SITE THERAPY SERVICES TO MISSISSAUGA, OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON AND SURROUNDING AREAS.Personal. Professional. Effective. Therapy in the comfort of your home.

Patient Involvement
Patient education is a fundamental part of therapy. At Physio Delivered, patients are empowered with knowledge to understand the importance and science of each component of therapy so that they can self-manage their injuries/pain at home, at work or during recreational activities.
Cost Efficient
With individual 1:1 attention, less treatment is required overall with faster results (in addition to saving travel expenses)
It's Personal
Physiotherapy Delivered offers direct, one-on-one sessions of skilled interventions to manage your injury in the best way. The entire visit is spent with an experienced Therapist and is personally tailored according to your unique movement patterns.
Reduce further aggravating your injury by traveling with it during your commute, particularly when navigating sidewalks and stairs if you have mobility limitations, or being exposed harmful viruses when immunity is compromised
Treatment Approach
We employ a unique physical therapy approach to examination/evaluation and patient management using various physical therapy theories including MSI (Movement Systems Impairments). Treatment emphasis is on specific exercise prescription but often also includes manual therapy and soft tissue mobilization to address muscle imbalances.
Environment Modifications
Therapist is able to make suggestions on how to modify simple things at home to reduce pain and maximize function