Post-operative physiotherapy treatment for patient who had ACL repair

Post-Operative Physiotherapy

Post-operative physiotherapy, also known as post-surgical physiotherapy, is a specialized form of treatment that supports your recovery following surgical procedures. This type of physiotherapy treatment focuses on restoring movement, strength, and function to the affected area, ensuring patients can return to their daily activities as efficiently as possible.

Benefits of Post-Operative Physiotherapy

  • Pain Management: In post-surgical physiotherapy treatments, we use various techniques such as manual therapy, ice application, and electrotherapy to help manage and reduce pain, minimizing the need for pain medication.
  • Restoring Mobility: Surgery can often result in stiffness and reduced mobility. Through targeted exercises and stretches, physiotherapy helps to regain full range of motion in the affected joints and muscles.
  • Strengthening Muscles: Post-surgical physiotherapy includes strength training exercises tailored to the specific needs of the patient. This is crucial for rebuilding muscle mass and strength lost during the surgical recovery period.
  • Improving Function: The primary goal for physiotherapy after surgery is to restore function to the affected area. This allows patients to perform their daily tasks and activities independently and safely.
  • Accelerating Recovery Time: Regular physiotherapy sessions can significantly decrease recovery time, helping patients to return to their normal routines more quickly and efficiently.

Common Procedures Benefiting from Post-Operative Physiotherapy

  • Joint replacements (hip, knee, shoulder)
  • Ligament and tendon repairs (ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repair)
  • Spine surgeries (discectomy, laminectomy)
  • Fracture repairs
  • Abdominal surgeries (hernia repair, bowel resections)

What to Expect During Your Sessions

During post-op physiotherapy sessions, patients can expect a combination of hands-on therapy, guided exercises, and sometimes the use of specialized equipment. Our physiotherapist will closely monitor progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal recovery. Sessions are designed to be progressive, gradually increasing in intensity as the patient’s strength and mobility improve.

Why Choose Our Post-Operative Physiotherapy Services?

At Physiodelivered, our experienced team of physiotherapists is dedicated to providing the highest level of care. We utilize evidence-based practices and the latest techniques to ensure our patients achieve the best possible outcomes. Our patient-centered approach ensures that each individual receives the attention and customized care they deserve, promoting a faster and more effective recovery.

Get Started with Post-Operative Physiotherapy Treatment

If you or a loved one is preparing for surgery or currently recovering from a surgical procedure, contact us to learn more about our post-operative physiotherapy services. Our team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.